Waltz in a minor sheet
Waltz in a minor sheet

So I decided to write a guide where I showed exactly, note by note, a good way to approach and practice the particular Chopin piece.

waltz in a minor sheet

That's how I knew that this would be a good use of my time. Year after year I was teaching it to my students and always saying the same things to each one. Here is where my Chopin Practice Guide was born. In fact, it was so popular that I decided to write a book about it. This piece is very popular with my students. I would rate this piece about a level 4 or 5 and in any case it is probably Chopin's most played composition. However, we have one piece that is easy and accessible. He was a very virtuositic pianist and wrote music that is not for beginners or intermediates. Just think about his ballades, nocturnes, concertos, and etudes. Most of Chopin's pieces are pretty hard to play.

Waltz in a minor sheet